CeReal Killer

CeReal Killer

Hi, here's my Quake 2 page
I play mainly on Proweb ( coz that's where I've got my account and my m8s play there. It's a Lithium server which has runes which does add to the gameplay. Plus I'm often in their office and get to play with zero ping which certainly helps me climb the ladder. They've also got a ctf server ( but no-one seems to play on it which is a shame. They all prefer rocket fights. When I was a lad and we played Quake being a rocket pussy was a bit frowned upon but there you go. My fave weapon is super shotgun. Here's my skin :

and a zip of the .pcx version.

I'm going to get round to programming mods for the damn game if I ever get any time. Probably version 6 or 7 knowing me. I'll also buy a 3dfx thingy.

Come and kill me - I'm crap.